Thursday, June 24, 2010

First Post

Ok, so I've been following my sweet cousin Brenna's blog for some time now, and decided to jump on the band wagon! No promises about the content or the writing, but I do think that this will be an awesome experience. I do however feel that the title deserves some explanation.

It comes from a wonderful devotional, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. When you think about it, life today is not that much different than the story of Mary and Martha, you know that you need to sit a the Lord's feet, but when on earth do you have the time? With all of the household chores and everything else life throws your way (no kids for us yet, but I can only imagine!) when do we take the time to stop and simply worship? I often find myself in the mindset of Martha, I love Jesus and want to serve Jesus, but I sometimes struggle with taking the time to let all the things swirling around me stop so I can do just that! So there you go, title explanation and I would highly recommend checking out the devotional!