There you have it people, my new place of employment!! Can I just start off by mentioning exactly how excited I am?!? Working for Turner Broadcasting Systems, is probably one of the coolest things that has happened in a while...
Now when C and I first moved to Atlanta, finding a music job was just not in the cards so I went back to serving for a while. That's when I found Ted's Montana Grill, Ted Turner's privately owned restaurant. Click on over via the link and check it out, because it's a pretty awesome place, and if you've never been I would highly suggest it! The main attraction at Ted's is the bison, but if you're wary there are lots of other options and they're all made fresh to order. Seriously fresh people, the only freezer in the establishment holds ice cream and ice cream only! (I know that someone reading this actually hates the place, but bear with me here...) I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the company, however a waitress forever just didn't seem like a good plan.
As most all of you know, I most recently was employed by PGi, in the billing department. This was an eye opening experience for me, mainly because I fell in love with the business world!! And although I made some amazing friends, this position provided no real room for growth over the long term, so it just didn't feel like my path was quite right...
All of the above led me to where I sit currently, at Turner!!! This place is beyond anything I've ever dreamed of as far as a work environment. Everyone is so happy all of the time, and it seems like the perks and good times never end. I've actually started calling this place my own personal Donkey Island :) You know, Pleasure Island, from Pinocchio...I had to look it up to remember what it was actually called, but you get the picture. I'm sure I'll have more wonderful things to say about this company and my experiences downtown, but in the meantime I'll let you know if I sprout ears or a tail. Deal?
Mom told me how great it was and how much you loved it. I'm so glad you found a place as wonderful as that.