The daily thing is not working out that well is it? But I'll make it through the thirty days and hopefully it won't take anything crazy like 6 months instead of 1! However I think that regardless of my reasons for not getting to day two sooner all can be forgiven, because had I posted earlier I wouldn't have known about my latest vice!!!

The T.V. show comes on HBO and flows the books loosely, we do not subscribe to HBO however, but have watched the first two seasons on DVD. I must say that the intro to the show is creepy and it gets a little gory for me from time to time...but overall I must say that I love the story. Now I have the first 8 books in the series (apparently the woman is on book 16 or something) and will probably disappear until I have the ones in my possession completed. First book down, seven more to go...
I think there are 10 to date by the way...I have read all but the latest one.