1. A job where I'm valued. My group here at Turner really is just wonderful, I don't think I fully understood teamwork until I found myself a part of this Team. Everyday might not be perfect, but I can honestly say I enjoy coming to work!
2. Family. C and I seriously have family all over the place; from right up the road, to just south of the city, our old Alma Mater, EXTREME South Alabama, and even all the way in the Rockies! These guys love us and support us even when they can't be right there with us...I'm also thankful for technology like Skype that makes the distance seem like a little less :)
3. Of Course C himself! Sometimes I'm still amazed at the way God leads you right where you need to be. When I met C, I didn't have much direction in life, and I'm sure we can talk about that later...but had I not been in that place I never would've been led to C! At a time when I honestly was just letting life happen all around me, God showed me a clear path He personally made for ME! (that path was holding onto my Daddy walking down the aisle to my wonderful Husband!) I'm thankful everyday for our lives together and love dreaming of our future and all the different paths God will point us down together! Love you C!
4. I'm finding myself very thankful for our lives Right Now, which might need a little explaining. It's so easy (for me at least) to get caught up in all the things that C and I will eventually do. Buy a House. Start a Family. Slowly replace the cars. Get in Super Awesome Shape. I could go on...and there's nothing wrong with any of those things. They are awesome goals to set for a husband and wife, but when you find yourself discontented with life right now, well, you've gone too far! So today, I'm thankful for today and all of the wonderful moments that God so graciously gave me.
5. Breakfast for Dinner.Enough.Said.
Which is what I'm looking forward to tonight when I finally make it home to C!
What are you Thankful for Today???
awwwwwwwwwwwww what a great list =) and breakfast for dinner really is awesome. yay for love too =) i hope one day i get to join you at turner! =)